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List of 101 Best Movies which every Guy Must See...Have you seen them all 61 to 80

61. Barb Wire (the opening sequence only)

Barb Wire

This movie is on the list for one reason and one reason only (okay, you got me, there are two big reasons). Pamela Anderson’s breasts. Watch the opening sequence with intensity and then watch something else. The film is terrible. Her breasts are not.
Best line in the movie: “Don’t call me babe.”

62. Road House

Road House

Awesome movie starring Swayze as a bouncer hired to sort out a rough bar. Things get heated with the local bad guy and you can guess the rest. The kicker for me was when Swayze ripped a guys throat out. Literally.
Best line in the movie: “I want you to be nice until it’s time to not be nice.”

63. Cocktail


In a nutshell, this film is about Tom Cruise flinging bottles of vodka and stuff up in the air and catching it. Don’t try it at home though, it’s not as easy as it looks. After getting through £100 worth of Smirnoff bottles, I should know!
Best line in the movie: “You wait till you’ve given them crabs. Then you’ll really know hatred.”

64. Outlaw


If you’re from England you’ll understand the pure hatred of the chav culture and how these vultures of society literally get away with murder. This movie is about a bunch of blokes who decide to take the law into their own hands - something I wish I could do almost daily.
Best line in the movie: “I’m talking about legitimate targets. I’m talking about people that hurt you. I’m talking about fucking violence.”

65. Shaun Of The Dead

Shaun Of The Dead

A rom-zom-com from the inspired mind of Simon Pegg. This is a story of a man who decided to change his life by winning back his ex, sorting out his relationship with his mum and step-dad and trying to deal with a community of living dead zombies!
Best line in the movie: “Who died and made you fucking king of the zombies? “

66. Hot Fuzz

Hot Fuzz

Another fantastic Pegg/Frost double team which sees two cops trying to make sense out of a series of suspicious accidents in a tiny village in the middle of nowhere!
Best line in the movie: “Is it true that there’s a point on a man’s head where if you shoot it, it will blow up?”

67. Bad Boys (1 and 2)

Bad Boys

What can you say about Bad Boys? Action-packed with slices of comedy genius! Proper manly movie with plenty to keep you entertained from start to finish.
Best line in the movie: “We ride together, we die together. Bad boys for life.”

68. Ali


Will Smith packed on the pounds to play Cassius Clay aka Muhammad Ali in this biography about the boxing legend. Motormouth Smith is the perfect guy, in my opinion, to play the outspoken sportsman!
Best line in the movie: “Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. His hands can’t hit what his eyes can’t see.”

69. Hackers


Another movie for the geeks out there! Jonny Lee Miller makes being a hacker quite cool. Remember all those e-mail addresses and screen names back when this movie came out? Zero Cool and Crash Override etc. This movie is worth it for the simple fact that Angelina Jolie whips her kit off!
Best line in the movie: “God gave men brains larger than dogs’ so they wouldn’t hump women’s legs at cocktail parties.”

70. Commando


Retired elite commando Big Arnie has to find and rescue his daughter from an exiled dictator in only a few hours! Sound thrilling? It is. One of my all-time favourite movies, bar none.
Best line in the movie: “Let off some steam, Bennett.”

71. Cliffhanger


A mid-air heist goes wrong, leaving suitcases full of money scattered over the Rocky Mountains. Former rescue climber Gabe Walker attempts a rescue on the mountain, not knowing that the people he’s helping are actually the very criminals who stole the money!
Best line in the movie: “I must say, you’re a real piece of shit.”

72. Under Siege

Under Siege

Former Navy Seal Steven Seagal stars as the chef on a US Navy battleship which is taken over by some very bad people. Obviously, in true Seagal style, he proceeds to eliminate them in an attempt to save the day. Worthy of note is the stripper with the large jugs who helps him out.
Best line in the movie: “I’m just a cook.”

73. Old School

Old School

Luke Wilson, Vince Vaughn and Will Ferrell are three middle-aged men looking to recapture their youth by starting their own fraternity. As the movie strapline says; all the fun of college, none of the education.
Best line in the movie: “You tell anyone about this and I’ll fucking kill you. I’m kidding, I’m kidding, we’ll have him home by midnight.”

74. Unforgiven


A retired gunslinger from the Old West takes on one last job when a bounty is put on a gang of cowboys who murdered a prostitute. An amazing portrayal of the fine line between being a hero and being a villain. The fact this film won 4 Oscars proves it’s worth the watch!
Best line in the movie: “It’s a hell of a thing, killing a man. Take away all he’s got and all he’s ever gonna have.”

75. Young Guns

Young Guns

A group of young gunmen lead by Billy the Kid become deputies to avenge the murder of the rancher who became their benefactor. But when Billy takes their authority too far, they become the hunted.
Best line in the movie: “You know, Sir, I do admire you, and I sure would like to touch the gun that’s gonna kill Billy the Kid.”

76. Con Air

Con Air

A recently released ex-con and former US Ranger gets himself trapped in a prisoner transport plane when the other criminals seize control.
Best line in the movie: “Put… the bunny… back… in the box. “

77. 51st State

51st State

A kilt-wearing Yank turns up in England to finalise a drug deal with some very bad men. A great film with some brilliant performances from Big Samuel L. Jackson and Robert Carlyle.
Best line in the movie: “You can still go to France, mate, it’s not too far, it’s full of pricks and they hate fucking yanks as well! “

78. American History X

America History X

A neo-Nazi is sent to prison for murdering two black guys - and once inside he befriends a black man who makes him realise the error of his ways. Will he be able to save his young brother from following the same path before it’s too late?
Best line in the movie: “I said: Put your mouth on the curb!”

79. Unleashed

Jet Li Unleashed

Jet Li is raised into behaving like a dog. When the collar comes off, he is unleashed and destroys anyone who gets in his way! When he eventually gets free of fatty Bob Hoskins and his gang, they come looking for their secret weapon.
Best line in the movie: “Like my saint of a mum used to say: Get ‘em young enough and the possibilities are endless.”

80. Face/Off

Face Off

I love Travolta playing the bad guy - he does it so well! Good and evil swap faces in this flick with both Travolta and Cage delivering sterling performances. Keep your eyes peeled for a young Dominique Swain before she..err..matured!
Best line in the movie: “Well, I’ve gotta go. I’ve got a government job to abuse, and a lonely wife to fuck.

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